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Shara est une pouliche parfumée à la cerise.

Sa robe est blanche, rose et fuschia nacrés.

Sa crinière et sa queue sont fuschia et bouclés.

Elle est livrée avec une ruban lavende, 2 barrettes en forme de cerises et un peigne en forme de panier à fruits.


5 votes. Moyenne 3.80 sur 5.

Commentaires (2)

1. cleaning company dubai 15/07/2018

These kind of cleaning services can be available in every single residential plus commercial vicinity. But are you ready for features on the good cleaning up service? I can guide you actually. A fine pressure cleaning up service will have to provide qualified service to get both private and personal purposes. It may get you in lots of ways. Those can provide homeowners offline enterprises must apply pressure cleaning up services double in per annum. cleaning company dubai

2. (site web) 10/10/2018

Real estate inspection is undoubtedly an evaluation of your visible plus accessible models and components of a dwelling (pipes, heating plus cooling, utility, structure, roof top, etc. )#) and it's intended to grant the shopper (client, seller, or owner of a house) a more rewarding understanding of your home's typical condition. Most often this is the buyer who seem to requests a strong inspection of the home he or she is serious pertaining to purchasing. Real estate inspection presents data so decisions for the purchase is often confirmed and also questioned, and might uncover really serious and/or expensive vehicle defects the fact that seller/owner probably are not aware with. It will not be an appraisal of your property's cost; nor would it address the buying price of repairs.

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Date de dernière mise à jour : 02/07/2021

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